Terms of Use

Terms of Service

Use of the services provided by SEXFINDER.NET are contingent upon the reading of these terms of services. By continuing to use SEXFINDER.NET, you agree that you have read, understand and agree to the terms set forth herein.

It is set forth that from here on, the terms “we”, “us”, and “our” shall refer to SEXFINDER.NET and the services offered. The terms “you” and “your” shall refer to the user.

Privacy Policy

Before continuing to use the services provided by SEXFINDER.NET, you agree that you have read the Privacy Policy. You also agree to the terms set forth by and agree to follow the rules set therein.

Copyright information

Any and all content published on SEXFINDER.NET shall become the property of SEXFINDER.NET. Content refers to any images, graphics, logos or digital media. SEXFINDER.NET shall become the sole copyright holder with all given rights attached.


Should any disputes arise between the user and SEXFINDER.NET, whether they relate to services, products or purchases, they will be handled through arbitration. This arbitration shall take place in the state or federal jurisdiction of your location. You hereby consent to accept the ruling from such arbitration.

Local Law

You hereby consent and agree to follow any and all laws set forth by your local jurisdiction. Any disputes that arise through conflict between these terms of service and your local law shall be handled through arbitration. You hereby consent to abide by any ruling from the arbitration.


You hereby agree to be contacted by SEXFINDER.NET. Any communication sent forth by us shall be through electronic means. These means include electronic mail and digital posts on SEXFINDER.NET. If, at any point, you need to contact SEXFINDER.NET, such contact will be made through electronic means. Any response from SEXFINDER.NET shall also be through electronic means. You agree to receive all communications and notices set forth by us. Each electronic communication will meet all legal requirements set forth by the court system.

Site Access

SEXFINDER.NET hereby grants you a limited license to visit and use the services provided by us. We retain the right to revoke said license at any point. Any decisions on such revocation will be made exclusively by us. You hereby wave any right to arbitration after said revocation. You are not allowed to modify your limited license in any way.

Account Privacy

By creating an account on SEXFINDER.NET, you hereby assume all ownership over the privacy of the information posted. You hold the sole responsibility for how your information is disseminated to other users. You are responsible for the privacy of your passwords. SEXFINDER.NET will make no moves toward increasing the effectiveness of said passwords. You hereby agree to never share your passwords or personal information with any other users of SEXFINDER.NET. We reserve the right to close any and all account that share the personal information of other users.

User Interaction

You are hereby given the ability to contact other users through electronic mail or digital posts. This ability shall be revoked by SEXFINDER.NET if it is determined that you are using it to share inflammatory, derogatory, insensitive, or intolerant information. Any and all shared information must be free of viruses or third party programming.

Termination of Accounts

We reserve the right to terminate any account at any time. The user reserves no right to arbitration following termination.